How Can We Reach You?
Your Package
Wedding Budget-Friendly
Maybe your on a budget. And maybe you don't need all the formalities of a traditional wedding reception. Perhaps you'd like to save some dough for the honeymoon, and you're really just looking for some tunes for your guests without a lot of planned, choreographed events during the reception. We invented this package for those looking for a no-frills option at a budget price. This package is for reception music only.
You won't get the 4 or 6 speaker setup we usually provide for larger venues, but for a smaller gathering not needing all the extras, we've got something for you.
- 2 JBL speakers
- 400 Watts Crown Amplification
- Interactive DJ/MC
- Customer Log-In Homepage to manage music selections, wedding details, and more
Contact Us
Questions or comments? Need Help?
Give us a call at 937-483-4312 or e-mail us at